Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th

Today the class generated a list of "stock characters" and a list of modifiers.

Writer's combined one of each and used this character as a prompt.

After sharing, the class returned to the analysis of micro-fiction.

The class was divided into teams; each team was assigned three stories. Each team read and discussed the stories focusing on developing an evaluation for a presentation to the class. Teams discussed Which of their stories were good? Which was best? How each story provided a "twist"?.

We began but did not complete the presentations.

Juniors also rotated to appointments with their counselors for forecasting.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th

Writers were reminded about their poetry projects. Some have still not completed their self-evaluation of the work; this needs to be done.

The class generated a series of settings:

musty laundromat
messy dorm room
damp basement
sweaty gym
moldy beach house
bland motel room
deserted street corner at noon
moist swamp
abandoned apartment
dark alley
bloody bedroom
vacant gas station
spotless mansion
after an arena rock concert
spooky train stop

Each writer choose one of these locations as a prompt; after writing the class shared.

Next writers received a new set of short, short fiction. The stories were read and discussed.

Rough drafts of the thesis are due on Thursday.