Thursday, February 7, 2013

February, 4,5, 7

Class this week had two goals.

1) To continue analysis of feature magazines for content and style, and to analyze these articles to better understand the kinds of question that lead to the writing of the article.

2) To begin a poetry unit. The poetry unit will require writers to submit during the week of February 19th drafts on approximately six assigned poems, plus two revised Final Versions of poems.

On Monday

Class began  with the prompt: “My passion is…”

Writers read and discussed Anne Lamott’s “Brocolli”

Writers read and studied Komunyakaa’s “Slam, dunk, & Hook” 

then writers looked at the writing they did for the prompt today searching for lines that were poetic or inspiring in order to attempt to write a poem in a similar form to "Slam, dunk, & Hook"

On Tuesday
Prompt: “I remember….”
Students received a handout on poetry, please see Mr. Zartler for a copy.
Poetry model for Tuesday “Venus-flytraps” by Komunyakaa
Writers then  read, discussed, and compared the formating  to his “Slam, Dunk, & Hook”
The writers tried to write a poem in the format “I am… formatted poem like Venus-flytraps”

On Thursday the class worked together to annotate an article called "How Chicken Conquered the World". Then using their own feature magazine article were to annotate that article as homework due Monday. Writers who missed this class should come to Tutorial Period on Tuesday the 12th.

The poetry models for the day are available on youtube
Blink Your Eyes Sekou Sundiata

A modern “love” poem (prep for one F-bomb)
"Shallow Thoughts" - Spoken Word Poetry - Pierre Marc Paras

“Verselandia PPS Poetry Slam Winning Poet”

here is another one of Lauren Steele’s work
UPSET Rally Lauren Steele Spoken Word

Writers then tried to write Spoken Word poems.