Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, 3 January, 2013

Class began with a prompt:

First writers made a column labeled "Who Am I?" Then they created a parallel chart labeled "Who Will  I Be?" This two column chart was the prompt.

Next class did a back writing exercise. Writers randomly choose a picture of a person; first they wrote "Who is this person," then they wrote "Who this person will be." This exercise was repeated with another random photo / character.

Writers are to choose another photo and follow the same process for another character as homework.

Writers received a copy of "Garage Sale People" by Oregon writer Juan Armando Epple, a Chilean immigrant. All writers should have read the story by Monday.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today's writing prompt was:
"What's new" or "What's new?" or What's new: or What's old: ....

After sharing the prompt, Mr. Zartler reminded writers that their college essays were due before break.

Then he assigned the last major project for 2nd semester. Writers will have to turn in a finished piece of creative fiction or creative non-fiction on January 24. A rough draft of this piece is due January 17th.

Next Mr. Zartler introduced the thesis. All students are responsible for a thesis in Grant English classes. In Creative Writing these research papers are modeled on feature magazine articles. Feature magazines are magazines like National Geographic; Smithsonian, Bon Appetit, Popular Science; Popular Mechanics, etc.

Mr. Zartler promised students that if they followed his procedures for researching and writing their thesis that they would pass. We will begin the thesis in early February.

HOMEWORK: Everyone is to bring one feature magazine to class on Tuesday, January 8th.

HOMEWORK: A list of 20 things that you want to know.