Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday / Tuesday & Wednesday / Thursday 9-12 April

New Assignments and Due Dates

Writers already have a piece of Micro-Fiction (exactly 55 words, etc) due on Monday/ Tuesday 16/17 April.

Writers must also write either a Sudden Fiction (exactly 100 words) or short, short story (under 250 words). This second short piece and a self-evaluation is due on 19/20 of April.

All writers are required to submit a piece to the Grant Literary Magazine. Submissions must be emailed to grantlitmag@gmail.com between April 12th and 19th. This is a required assignment.

Writers developed lists of locations and situations to use as writing prompts in class.

Mr. Zartler has been turning back rough drafts of the thesis with comments.

Friday / Monday 7 / 10 April

Class was focused on analyzing two additional short, short fiction forms. Writers should get a hand out from Mr. Zartler or copy the handout of a classmate.