Thursday, March 21, 2013

Class began with a prompt built around hail and sleet. After writing and sharing the class worked on the model section that is due today.

The rest of class was devoted to checking the model section that was due today. We checked for the following:
Name/ Date/ Period

Appropriate title for the section

Section has a thesis
Introduction relates to thesis working hypothesis.
Introduction mentions the topic of each body paragraph.

Each paragraph has a topic sentence. Each topic sentence connects via a key word to the section thesis.

We labeled the evidence used in the section, then checked that the appropriate "quote pattern" was used to embed and cite the source of the information.
Introduction of quote, " the quote" (citation).
The introduction was checked to ensure it made clear from whom or where the evidence was borrowed.

The explanation following each piece of evidence was checked to ensure that there was a clear connection (through repetition of key words) to the topic sentence of the paragraph.

Students who had model sections with few edits required turned them in. Students who needed to make substantial edits will turn in todays draft along with a revised draft tomorrow at the field trip.

Ms. Margolis will be guest teacher on Monday and Tuesday after break.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Through 19 March, 2013

Sorry for missing a couple of posts. Here's what you need to know!

First: In school "field trip" a Town Hall discussion of Agriculture Policy with Congressman Earl Blumenauer this Friday, March 22nd from 9:25 until 10:25 in the library.
Next, the last couple of classes have focused on thesis work. This Thursday, students have due a "model section" of their thesis. In order to help with that:
Writer's should have turned in 25 completed notes and had their working hypothesis checked and ok'd by Mr. Zartler.

Class has had lessons about sorting note cards into sections, and sorting the cards for a section into paragraphs. The following diagrams help explain this process.  By adding a note to each stack explaining what the cards in the stack explain, the model section that is due on Thursday is practically written!

See you Thursday, and then again on Friday!

Through 19 March, 2012

Sorry -- looks like I skipped some entries.

Class is working on the thesis.
Writer's should have turned in 25 completed notes and had their working hypothesis checked and ok'd by Mr. Zartler.

Class has had lessons about sorting note cards into sections, and sorting the cards for a section into paragraphs. The following diagrams help explain this process.  By adding a note to each stack explaining what the cards in the stack explain, the model section that is due on Thursday is practically written!