Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday / Friday 5 / 6 January

Class began with a discussion of metaphors for life; then we wrote metaphors for ourselves.

The writers analyzed a personal essay called "Burning in Heaven".

Mr. Zartler offered 5 rules for good personal essays:
Find a Lead (unexpected -- but not outrageous)
Say something; "I like puppies," is NOT something.
Provide INSIGHT into yourself or into your world view (which is insight into you)
Reveal something, but NOT that you steal from the blind (show a conviction or a core belief.)
Close; have an end, but don't repeat. Leave an image.

We reviewed a number of ledes.

Finally, writers highlighted the strong lines, and vivid images in their draft(s).

These lines became the prompt for or the skeleton of their next draft.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday / Wednesday 3 / 4 January 2012

Class began on Tuesday with creating personal time lines for the future. The timeline was used as a prompt; what does this timeline of dreams show about me as a person? This activity culminated in creating a checklist of things to do in order to achieve the goals.

The next part of class was a review of the qualities of good personal essays. The following due dates were established for personal essays: Rough drafts due Thursday and Friday 5/6 January, 2012.

Final drafts due 11/ 12 January, 2012. Writers will write one 250-500 word essay from the list of Common Application Questions, or two (2) 150 word essays from the OSAC Application list.