Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday / Wednesday 6 / 7 December

In class writers wrote from a sense of smell.

We completed analytical presentations on reviews groups analyzed last class.

The class examined a very modest or negative review of a restaurant for how to handle such a situation.

The class reviewed the food vocabulary that has been developed during the unit. There will be a quiz on these words on December 8th or 9th.

Students received their morbid fiction with comments from Mr. Zartler.

Writers were told that the next unit will focus on the personal essay which is the type of essay written for college and scholarship applications, as well as Mr. Zartler's favorite creative form.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Friday / Monday 2/5 December

In class we opened with various prompts depending on the day....

"I remember ...."
"Waiter, there's a _________ in my soup...."

And we also wrote about a favorite food. The emphasis on this writing assignment was to practice writing about taste, texture, temperature, flavors, etc.

In class we read a Frank Bruni restaurant review on Pache. The class was then divided into four teams. Two teams each read and analyzed reviews of Pok Pok and Andina. Each team analyzed what aspects of a good review were covered by the review. Then the teams compared their analysis and created a presentation to the class of where and how each element was accomplished.