Thursday, January 7, 2010

Karen Karbo & Poetry Workshop

Writer's read discussed and analyzed the poem "Venus's Flytrap".

Writer's got a list of Poetic devices, and worked independently on finding examples of the various devices from among poems in the poetry unit packet. Writer's also searched for A) a poem with sounds they like B) a poem or passage that reminded them of a friend C) a poem that they would like to emulate.

Writer's were encouraged to emulate the poem from C above.

To poetry writing prompts were offered.
1) List strange /wonderful/ odd things you have seen -- put them in one poem
2) List phrases that people close to you ALWAYS say. Choose one of these phrases to use as a repeated element.

Writers also worked on their memoirs.

Writers conferenced with Karen (who was here as a volunteer! Thank you Karen!!!!!!)

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