Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday / Monday 13 / 16 October

5th Period began work for the Morbid fiction assignment by reading and Analyzing the short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe.

Students wrote a free write that focused on their first experience with death.

Discussion of "The Tell-Tale Heart".

Students were invited to write in a way that mimics the pacing of Poe in "The Tell Tale Heart" by slowing a moment way down, or by exploring one thing in very great detail.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday 11/12/13 October

Most classes turned in their short stories.

On the back of the short stories writers wrote a self evaluation of their story including not only strengths, but weaknesses or areas of improvement (being specific), and also questions about the piece or about the class for Mr. Zartler.

Writers have been assigned the task of filling at least 15 pages of their spirals with writing each week. This will be a graded assignment. Writer's had their spirals marked with a starting point for this assignment by Mr. Zartler, and all students should see him for the mark.

5th Period began work for the Morbid fiction assignment by reading and Analyzing the short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe.