Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, 27 October

Writers had class with Karen Karbo.
First Karen read an essay from Morgan Doff
Reed College Class of 2010
(it's half way down the page, the name is above the essay).

Karen pointed out how the essay was a series of anecdotes that kept referring back to one main idea; this is a form memoir can take.

Next the class brainstormed a three column chart: People/Places/Things that are importnat to them. After the brainstorm each writer took on peerson, one place, and one thing to write a sentence about their life. "My Uncle Tony took me on my first trip fishing on the Deschutes River, and I have been a fishing addict ever since. " This sentence then became the starting point for a page of memoir writing.

People: My mom, sisters, 13th cousin of my step father, celbrities, friends, teachers, bad teachers, Zartler, Malone, cousins, Ms. Peoples, counselors, "A turkey", stranger, "frenemies", best friend, ex best friend

Places: School, the streets, house/ home, skate park, Deshutes River, timberline, ampitherater plaground, E.r. Room, doctor's office, o.r. room, California, Sun Valley ID, coffee shopes, Milo's, Turkey, Sauvie Island, hot tub, Starbucks, casino, Rose Garden, sea side

Things: Fishing, skateboarding, chewing gum, rain , car, paper, thai food, shots, Trkey, concerts, poker, cats, shotgun, jeans, pants that are too short, nikes, patches, Popeye's, broccolli, chicken, mashed potatoes, skiing, horses

I will edit this post to make the chart available on Wednesday morning.

Mr. Zartler handout this reminder:

Morbid Fiction: Final instructions and reminders.

1) Morbid Fiction is due Thursday, 29 October the moment class begins.

2) Most stories will be four or more pages long (but you can write a good story that has fewer pages).

3) Switching tense is a common error that you can avoid.

4) Stories have titles.

5) Your Name (two of them); date; and period MUST be in the upper left hand corner of your paper

6) It’s really due at the beginning of class. If you must print at school, arrive early!

Special Note: School computers are old, and janky. You need to have your story in “.doc” or “.pdf” (or “.rtf”) format to print them from your email. (“.pdf” will print anywhere, but you can’t edit that kind of file.)

If your computer makes .wps or some other kind of file use the “Save As….” command to choose one of the formats that will print here at Grant. You can also get a “.pdf” through the “Print” command.

Monday, 26 October

Writers worked on conferencing on and revising the drafts of their morbid fiction.