Today the class generated a list of "stock characters" and a list of modifiers.
Writer's combined one of each and used this character as a prompt.
After sharing, the class returned to the analysis of micro-fiction.
The class was divided into teams; each team was assigned three stories. Each team read and discussed the stories focusing on developing an evaluation for a presentation to the class. Teams discussed Which of their stories were good? Which was best? How each story provided a "twist"?.
We began but did not complete the presentations.
Juniors also rotated to appointments with their counselors for forecasting.
Writer's combined one of each and used this character as a prompt.
After sharing, the class returned to the analysis of micro-fiction.
The class was divided into teams; each team was assigned three stories. Each team read and discussed the stories focusing on developing an evaluation for a presentation to the class. Teams discussed Which of their stories were good? Which was best? How each story provided a "twist"?.
We began but did not complete the presentations.
Juniors also rotated to appointments with their counselors for forecasting.