Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday, 2 October

Ms. Margolis was the guest teacher.

Writers took the Conflict in Literature quiz.

Writer's discussed the concept of many stories based on very few plots. One man claims that there are only 20 plots total. Writers discussed how to create variety of story among these plots.

Writers wrote from these plot descriptions.

Spirals are due on Monday: 20 pages of writing practice is the goal.

Karen Karbo will begin her residency on Tuesday, 6 October.

The Teen Lounge sponsored by WITS at Wordstock is a great thing to do this weekend.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Writers in the Schools Residency Announced!

Yeah!!!!!! I'm very excited to announce that Writer's in the Schools -- a program of Literary Arts -- has provided a writer in residence to Grant's Creative Writing Classes!

Author Karen Karbo -- her website / her page on -- will be teaching a 15 week unit on memoir and the personal essay. Ms. Karbo will also discuss and share details of being a professional writer (or novels; non-fiction books; young adult fiction; and many non-fiction pieces for magazines).

Karen will be teaching on the following dates:
6, 15, 20, and 27 October. 3, 10, 17 November. 1, 8, 15 December. 4, 12, 19, and 26 January.

Thursday, 1 October

The quiz on conflict in literature was postponed until Friday.

Writers in periods 6 & 7 were introduced to Writer in Residence Karen Karbo -- and her page on Amazon. Writers received folders for their WITS work, and a handout to take home for their parents information. 5th Period will meet Karen Friday or Monday (TBA)

Writers wrote to the prompt "It was obvious he/she/ it was sufferring" or "You know when someone is suffering because..."

Writers were given a flyer inviting them to WITS Teen Lounge during Wordstock this coming weekend.

Writers read "Bannafish", a story by J. D. Salinger and discussed the character of Seymour Hirsch in particular.

Writers were reminded of quiz on conflict (Friday) and spiral due date (Monday).

Karen Karbo will begin her teaching residency on Tuesday, 6 October.

Tuesday, 27 September

Writers discussed various kinds of motivations.

Writers discussed the handout on conflict in literature (remember the quiz on Thursday!).

Spirals are due (approximately 20 pages) next Monday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, 28 September (handouts still to be attached)

Writers read two news stories and discussed how to use these as prompts. Students received a handout on conflict in literature.

There will be a quiz on conflict on Thursday.

WRITING SPRIALS ARE DUE NEXT MONDAY, 5 OCTOBER. 20 Pages is the target for full credit.

Thursday-Friday 24-25 September

Working with Ms. Margolis, writers discussed lists of what is and is not remembered, and how that describes the character of the person to whom the list belongs. Writers read and analyzed the story "The Things They Carried." Writers discussed tangible and intangible "things that people carry".

On Friday the discussion and work in class continued around the concept of "backwriting" the development of details about a character to make him or her (or it) more believable and life like.

Some of the questions to consider / ways to begin thinking about a character include:

What does he/she carry with them every day?
What "things" are visibile to the world? What is hidden?
Does your character have keepsakes or cherished objects?
Descrivbbe a room in your character's house
Are there "things" yhour character wished he /s he could get rid of?
What "things" has your character lost?
How does yoru character carry herself/ himself?