Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, 21 May

Class began with a prompt about "moments of discovery."

Next the class analyzed illustrated books for children created by previous writers in the class. These books were compared to the list of attributes we have developed by analyzing professional models.

Next writers submitted for approval a proposal for their project. The proposal included:
Intended audience
(whether to be read to or by the child)
The utility of the book
the protagonist and conflict
a description of the mood or tone of the book.

Class on Thursday will be focused on drafting and revising; Mr. Zartler will demonstrate some ways to bind books.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday 20 May

Review of Illustrated Childrens' Book Assignment:
Full text due 28 May
Completed, bound, illustrated book due by the end of class, Thursday 30 May.

Attributes of Childrens' Books:
Illustrated; have a purpose, lesson, or utility for an adult; simple language; few words; repetitive; child or child like characters; often have personified animals as characters; positive resolutions; colorful.

In class today we focused on memories of food and eating as children.

We reviewed the fact that every book for children is written for a specific audience (age), and is specifically written to either be read by a child or to a child.

Due tomorrow, Tuesday, 21 May:
A specific audience and a specific lesson or utility for the book that you are to write.