Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to the Blog!

I'm very happy to be teaching a Senior Creative Writing Class at Grant for the sixth year.

This blog is a place for you to review or to find out what happened in class. Not every idea discussed will be posted here (far from it -- there is NO SUBSTITUTE for being in class), but you will be able to get a general idea of what was missed, or a reminder of your homework.

If you need to contact me a great way to do so is through email:

James Zartler
Grant H.S. Room #200

The phone at Grant is 503.916.5160, but email messages generally get to me more quickly.

There are certain to be twelve day this year when I am difficult to reach. The dates are: 23-25 September; 9-11 December; 10-12 February; and 28-30 April. During these periods I will be working in Washington DC to represent educators. I strive to be as responsive as possible, but please be aware of the long hours, and time zone changes during these dates.

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